The latest fan is
Heather Jones
The whole gang:
Aili Alechnowicz
Alana Miller
Babs Johnson
Billy Franklinstine
Blondie Nation
Brooke Garr
Chie Kato
Chris Hilbert
Chris Wilembrecht
Curt Marcucci
Daniel Diamond
David Robert Crews
David Gouny
David Heulun Jones
David McNeil
David Robert Crews
Davide Scovazzo
Della Deluxe!
Duncan Craig
Erik Weber
Eugene Schroeder
Eve Severe
Gretchen and Kevin
Guy Mazzaglia
Heather Jones
Hex and Dze
Jackie Divine
Jacopo Coccia
Jim Hollenbaugh
Joanna Satana
Jeff Smith
Jerry Kochendoerfer
Jimmy Pio
Josh West
Julie Taylor
Kaleb Bronson
Karie Sprockethole
Kevin Johnson
Lynda L. Hinkle
Marko Sosic
Massimiliano d'Italia
Maxwell Drake
Michael Simmons
Mink Dagger
Mister OohLaLa
Polly [Esther] Styrene
Robert Geise
Shaboobie Boobarella
Simply Divine
Sky Rockford
Tom Korzeniowski
Trevor Robinson
Uvula Dangles
Vanamal Lucifer
Yakov Levi
Yong Kim
Zero Renton Prefect
How do I become
a Dreamland Fan?
Say Hello to Della Deluxe from Down Under!
I have been an avid follower of Dreamlanders and more so of John Waters and his films since the early 80s when I first learned about Divine and that she was acting in films. After discovering this huge screen presence, I wanted to know more and more about the movies that she had appeared in and also wanted to know how she got to be there... which is obviously through her friendship and close connections that she had with Waters at the time.
The first film I was truly fascinated by was Polyester and have watched most of Waters' and the Dreamlanders films since except for Multiple Maniacs, Roman Candles and Eat Your Makeup (which, incidentally I am desperate to get my hands on if anyone can point me in the right direction.)
I reside in Australia and am about to embark on my own voyage of self discovery through promoting what I hope will be an international drag career and one day hope to be the MOST FAMOUS drag performer in the world!!! I am part of a collective too, known as The Glitzy Glamour Glitter Girls Inc. and we currently are about 5, including 1 drag king as well. We perform, show off and generally show people an overall ridiculously great time at parties and hope to take our travelling roadshow on the road some day soon. |